Thursday, April 21, 2016

Resources from our April 20th session

Here are some of the resources we looked at during our April 20th afternoon session:

Geoff Krall led the PBL session, he is on twitter @emergentmath and he writes a great blog

Here are some links that we refered to: 

Play different versions of KenKen puzzles, or make your own:

Wooden number blocks:

Open Middle Problems:

Which One Doesn't Belong

Running the Numbers:

Check out #mtbos on twitter, or me @orangeparachute, or jess at @willowsjess
The perfect circle guy from Ottawa is Alex Overwijk and is blog is who is also on twitter @AlexOverwijk

Here is the Depth of Knowledge worksheet from Robert Kaplinsky (it is in our shared resources folder on our Google Docs Drive):

Depth of Knowledge

Susan's one pager on Depth of Knowledge (also in our shared drive folder):

Open Middle and Depth of Knowledge

Jo Boaler's article on finger perception and connection to number understanding:

Also, here's an article about assessment and mathematics: